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Terms and Conditions

These Terms & Conditions (these "Terms") govern the provision of, and all applications and enrolments in, any programme or service (including the Referrals programme) offered through Unicaf Limited and its subsidiaries (together, the " Company", "we", "us" and " our") and all other services provided by the Company (together, the " Services") to any person (" you"). These Terms may be revised, updated or replaced from time to time.

These Terms govern your use of all our websites, apps, landing pages, and other products and Services. As some of our Services may include software that is installed on your device, you agree that we may automatically update this software, and that these Terms will apply to such updates. Please read these Terms carefully, and contact us if you have any questions. By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms, including the policies referenced in these Terms (such as our Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy).

If you refuse to accept these Terms, you will not be able to join any Service or Programmes from our Site.

You should print a copy of these Terms or save them for future reference. We may amend these Terms from time to time. Every time you wish to use a Service, please check these Terms to ensure you understand the terms which will apply at that time. These Terms, and any contract or agreement between us, are only in the English language.


The Services and all included content are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Company specifically disclaims:

  • any and all warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement;
  • any and all warranties arising out of course of dealing or usage of trade; and
  • any and all liability related to your access or use of the Services or any related content.

You acknowledge and agree that any access to or use of the Services or such content is at your own risk.

Nothing in these Terms shall, or shall be interpreted as an attempt to, exclude any liability for any: fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; death or personal injury caused by negligence; or any matter for which it would be unlawful to exclude liability.

Institutional Recognition

Unicaf Limited and its partner institutions, inclusive of Unicaf University and affiliates, offer degree programmes which are recognised or registered and/or and accredited by the relevant authorities of the respective countries and territories where the awarding body is based, as well as professional development courses. Many countries and territories have their own accrediting bodies, and regulations for recognition of degree equivalency which differs depending on the jurisdiction. Please review your country or territory of residence's requirements to confirm recognition of your programme. Unicaf Ltd takes no responsibility for recognition of any of the qualifications offered by any of its partner universities by any local authority in any country.

Unicaf University does not offer programmes that lead to professional licensure. Career options may require additional experience, training or other factors beyond the successful completion of an academic degree programme. Unicaf University degrees, however, being of international standard, are widely accepted by employers across the private and public sectors, as well as being solid foundations for further study.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenues, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from:

  • your access to or use of or inability to access or use the Services;
  • any conduct or content of any party other than the applicable Company, including without limitation, any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct; or
  • unauthorized access, use, or alteration of your content or information. In no event shall the Company aggregate liability for all claims related to the Services exceed twenty US dollars ($20) or the total amount of fees received by the Company from you for the use of paid Services during the past three months, whichever is greater.

You acknowledge and agree that the disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth in these Terms reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between you and the Company, and that these limitations are an essential basis to the Company's ability to make its Services available to you on an economically feasible basis.

You agree that any cause of action related to the Services must commence within six (6) months after the cause of action accrues. Otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.


You agree to hold the Company and its directors, officers, employees, agents, partners associated institutions and representatives harmless for any injury incurred through any use of, or the inability to use, any Services, including this web-site. This limitation of liability applies to (without limitation) direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages even if an authorized director, officer, employee, agent, associates, partners or representative of the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Liability for invalidated payments and actions of fraud

You agree to compensate and indemnify the company for any claims, losses, expenses or liability the company incurs arising out of:

  1. An invalid transaction, refund transaction and any other expenses, collectively "Invalidated Payments";
  2. Any error, negligence, willful misconduct or fraud by you;

If the company has reason to believe that there is a higher than normal risk associated with your Transactions, in particular if the company believes you have breached the terms and conditions, then we may take various actions to avoid Reversals, Chargebacks, fees, fines, penalties and any other liability. The actions we may take include but are not limited to the following:

  1. We may, at any time and without liability, limit or suspend your right to use our Services if we believe that you are in breach of your obligations under these Terms and conditions. If possible, we will give you advance notice of any limitation or suspension, but we may take such actions without advance notice under certain circumstances, including if we believe that your use of our services represents a security threat or involves fraud or any other illegal activities;
  2. Refuse any Transaction at any time, provided that, upon request and where possible, we will provide the reasons for the refusal and steps for resolution of the problem;
  3. Reverse any Transaction (including, if appropriate, to the sender’s credit card), that violates, or we reasonably suspect may violate, these Terms and conditions.
  4. Hold your funds or suspend/ limit your account, to the extent and for so long as reasonably needed to protect against the risk of liability or as required to mitigate any regulatory risk in relation to your Transactions.
  5. We may terminate immediately your rights under this agreement if we have a serious reason to believe that your payment to the company is an action of fraud, and/or an illegal activity and/or a result of fraud and/or an error.


These Terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Cyprus without reference to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof. Any dispute arising from these Terms and conditions shall be resolved exclusively in the state courts of the Republic of Cyprus.

Data protection

We will process Your Data only in accordance with these Terms and our Privacy Notice.


By accepting these Terms, you agree to be bound by the following regulations and publications which together form your contract with the Company:

  • Course/Programme Regulations: these are available from your Programme/Module Leaders and on the website.
  • Any other Company rule or regulation referred to in this Agreement or from time to time in force, as published.

Participation agreement

By accepting these Terms, you agree that:

  • You will notify Academic Affairs of any changes to the information which you have submitted on application or enrolment; for example, if you change your address;
  • You will participate fully in those activities which are described in each module as essential;
  • You will inform the Module Leader if circumstances oblige you to miss any of those essential activities and give details of the relevant circumstances to the Module Leader;
  • You wish to have your performance assessed according to the approved procedures;
  • You will observe and meet the deadlines and timetable prescribed for each module;
  • Failure to participate adequately in the essential activities may lead to termination of your enrolment on your programme of study. You may be invited to explain your failure to participate before termination on the programme occurs. Failure to engage in this process will be considered to be withdrawal.
  • You will follow all the rules and regulations of the programme or institution you are studying under.


The intellectual property in the assessments that you do will normally be owned by you.

The Company may require you to submit certain pieces of work by way of E-Submission. The E-Submission system may use the Turnitin platform (or any other suitable platform or service), and work that you submit may be used by Turnitin (or such other platform or service as may be applicable) for the purpose of checking the originality both of your work and other students' work. By agreeing to this terms and conditions you agree that your work may be used in this way.

By making the Student Declaration you agree that it may be used in this way, and additionally that:

The submitted work is your own;

The sources of information and material you have used in the preparation of your work, including those obtained online, have been fully identified and properly acknowledged (as stipulated by the relevant writing style employed in your programme of study);

If there is suspicion of unfair practice the Company reserves the right to follow due process and investigate in accordance to the regulations of the partner University.

Criminal convictions

By accepting these Terms you are confirming that you have no unspent criminal convictions (excluding motoring offences). If this is not the case you must notify the Company prior to enrolment so that the Company can consider whether such convictions are compatible with participating in the Company's Services.

Student ID

The validation period of a Student ID is subject to the level of the programme that the student is enrolled (i.e. for undergraduate programmes the Student ID validity is for 5 years from the date of issue, and for postgraduate programmes the validity is for a period of 3 years). Students should pay the cost of the student ID which is set to the amount of 50 USD.

Fees and payment

It is your responsibility to make sure your tuition fees and other payments to the Company which relate to programmes you are studying, Services you are using, or accommodation are paid in full within the set deadlines. By accepting these Terms, you are bound by the Company's regulations on the payment of fees, and other expenses relating to the Services offered to you. No refunds are made for any payments made.

Despite the percentage of scholarship that a student may receive (100% and/or less), there are specific fees that are not covered by any percentage of scholarship. Such fees include the Application Fee, the Programme Completion Fee, Additional Transcript Fees and any other extra fees where commonly as a practice cannot be covered by the Scholarship (e.g. Graduation Ceremony Fees and/or Seminar Fees). The applicant and/or the student shall pay the foregoing since they are not subject to the scholarships. The retake fees are calculated according to the initial cost of the module and the percentage of the scholarship granted. If a student is awarded a 100% scholarship the retake fee will be 50% of the initial cost of the respected Module.

In order for you to receive your Award you must clear all your financial obligations to the Company including any administrative fees added upon completion of your programme of study.

When making any payment to the Company it is essential that you let us know what the payment relates to (for example tuition fees, application fees, etc.). This is to enable the Company to correctly allocate your payment against your various accounts. If you do not tell us what a particular payment relates to we will use reasonable efforts to contact you at the address, email address or telephone number you have provided to ascertain what the payment relates to. If we cannot contact you in this way within a reasonable period of time, we will automatically allocate your payment to the tuition fees.

Late Payment Charge

It is your responsibility to make sure you abide by the terms of your Payment Plan. You will be charged a Late Payment Charge (LPC) on any payments not made according to the Payment Plan that you have agreed to. The LPC will be equal to 1% per month of the value of your payment that is in arrears. You will have to settle any LPC that is accrued to your account prior to being able to register for your next module. The Company reserves the right to amend the LPC as a result of a change in financial, economic or other circumstances.

Referral Programme

  • Unicaf Ltd may at times offer you the opportunity to refer friends or others via a referral programme ("Programme") offered through any of its digital systems such as mobile application, web site and or landing page or directly communicate via phone or email ("Platform").
  • The professional development courses and/or the short courses provided by Unicaf, are excluded from the Referral Program.
  • Binding Agreement: By using the Platform or participating in the Programme, you are bound by these Terms and Conditions ("Terms") and indicate your agreement to them. All of the Company's decisions are final and binding. These Terms are incorporated in, part of and subject to the Company's Terms and Conditions.
  • Referrers are bound by these Terms and Conditions by participating in the Program. By participating in the Program, Referrers agree to use the Program in the manner specified in these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety, you are not authorized to register as a Referrer or to participate in the Program in any other manner. Referrers may not participate in the Program where doing so would be prohibited by any applicable law or regulations.
  • Privacy: The personal information collected, processed and used as part of the Programme will be used in accordance with Company's Privacy Policy, which is available for your review at In addition, personal information may be used by Company on Company's behalf, to contact Users with regards to participation in the Program and to receive communications from Unicaf or third party administrators of the Program.
  • Eligibility: Individuals over 18 years of age may apply for the Membership. Children under the age of 13 are prohibited from accessing the Unicaf Platform or otherwise providing any personal information to Unicaf.
  • How the Programme Works: Using the Platform, you can refer friends, family members colleagues or others whom you personally know ("Friends"). Once an individual makes a referral, he/she becomes a "Referrer" and will be provided with a unique referral link ("Personal Link") that allows him or her to receive the benefit or reward advertised on the Platform, as applicable.
    • The programme is a levels’ membership programme and it exposes in 4 different degrees of membership; Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The rewards of the programme are provided in accordance with the degree of a membership and with reference to the number of successful referrals. Specific information in relation to the rewards is available at: .
    • A user’s membership may upgrade or downgrade since the programme has a target based approach. Targets are yearly based, January to December, and evaluated at the end of each calendar year. Upon achieving a target within the year, the Membership status is upgraded automatically.
    • The year-ending Membership status is transferred to the next year upon meeting the targets. In the case of under-performing, the Membership will downgrade accordingly
    • The financial reward of the membership can be redeemed either via electronic bank payment, via PayPal or via direct tuition fee deduction if the referrer is a current student. Whereas the Referrer is an enrolled student in one of the courses provided by the UK Partner Universities of Unicaf, then the Fee Deduction will be equivalent to the following amount in GBP and in accordance with the membership level of the Referrer:
      1. Blue Membership: Deduction of 160 GBP/per student
      2. Silver Membership 180 GBP /per student
      3. Gold Membership 200 GBP/per student
      4. Platinum Membership 240 GBP/per student
      Specific information in relation to the rewards is available at:
  • Restrictions: Referrers cannot refer themselves or create multiple, fictitious or fake accounts with the Company. Each User must maintain only one account and may not have multiple Memberships. No User may use the Programme to violate any law, infringe or violate the rights of any third party, or otherwise act in a manner that is deemed harassing, harmful, illegal, hateful, obscene or outside the spirit and intent of the Programme. In addition, you may not (i) tamper with the Programme, (ii) act in an unfair or disruptive manner, or (iii) use any system, bot or other device or artifice to participate or receive any benefit in the Programme. This includes but is not limited to a general prohibition on posting of the referral codes on any website which offers the referral code to anyone other than Friends, i.e. individuals to whom you personally know. If we believe that a referral code associated with a User's account was used in such a manner, we have the right to remove all credit associated with that account and remove the User from the Unicaf Platform. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAMME MAY BE IN VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. The Membership of the Unicaf Referral Programme cannot be transferred.
    Employees of Unicaf and other external contractors who have access to Unicaf's platforms and data of applicants and/or leads are not eligible to participate in the Programme.
  • Rewards: By making a Valid Referral (defined below), you will receive a reward as described in the relevant platform, subject to the restrictions set forth below. In order to qualify as a "Valid Referral", your Friend must not be an existing User of the Platform and must be a first-time User of the Service as a result of your referral. Additionally, if the reward is in the form of a gift card, gift certificate or voucher, it may be subject to the issuer's terms and conditions. Rewards are subject to verification. The Company may delay a reward for the purposes of investigation. The Company may also refuse to verify and process any transaction for any reason. They are not transferable and may not be auctioned, traded, bartered or sold. The referral reward will be released when the referred student pays the relevant fee.
  • Valid Referral:Provided that, an applicant and/or a student has zero outstanding debt in relation to the "Deposit Payment" requested by Unicaf, a valid referral is any referral where the referred applicant and/or student completes his/her enrollment procedure and/or student registration and submits a minimum payment to Unicaf equivalent to the total amount of 300USD. However, whereas the referred applicant has enrolled in a programme provided by a UK Partner University, the relevant payment shall be equivalent to the total amount of 300GBP, The foregoing amounts of payment are defined as the "Threshold Amount".
  • Liability: You understand and agree that the indemnified parties (defined below) shall not be liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, actual, consequential, economic, special or exemplary damages (including but not limited to lost profits, loss of data, loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage, system failure, failure to store any information or other content maintained or transmitted by Unicaf, or the cost of substitute products or services) arising in connection with your use of or inability to use the Unicaf platform or the task services, even if advised of the possibility of the same.
  • By participating in the Programme, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Unicaf and Affiliates, and their attorneys, insurers, independent contractors, providers, successors and assigns (the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all Liabilities incurred in connection with (i) your use or inability to use the Unicaf Platform or perform Tasks, or (ii) your breach or violation of this Agreement; (iii) your violation of any law, or the rights of any User or third party and (iv) any content submitted by you or using your account to the Unicaf Platform, including, but not limited to the extent such content may infringe on the intellectual rights of a third party or otherwise be illegal or unlawful. You also agree to indemnify the Indemnified Parties for any Liabilities resulting from your use of software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools, or any other action you take that imposes an unreasonable burden or loan on our infrastructure. Unicaf reserves the right, in its own sole discretion, to assume the exclusive defence and control at its own expense of any matter otherwise subject to your indemnification. You will not, in any event, settle any claim or matter without the prior written consent of Unicaf. To the fullest extent possible by law, the indemnified parties' maximum liability arising out of or in connection with the programme, regardless of the cause of action (whether in contract, tort, breach of warranty, or otherwise), shall be $100.00.
  • Disclaimer of warranties: you expressly understand and agree that the programme and the unicaf platform are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties or conditions or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Unicaf makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content provided through the unicaf platform or the content of any sites linked to the unicaf platform and assumes no liability or responsibility in contract, warranty or in tort for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the unicaf platform, (iii) any access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein; and (iv) events beyond our reasonable control.
  • Bulk Distribution ("Spam"). Each Referrer is the actual sender of the emails and must comply with applicable law. Referrals must be created and distributed in a personal manner that is appropriate and customary for communications with friends, colleagues and family members. By submitting any email address as part of the Programme, the Referrer represents that he/she has the appropriate permission and consent. Bulk email distribution, distribution to strangers, or any other use of the services described herein in a manner that is not promoted is expressly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate removal from the Platform and further legal action. The Company has no obligation to monitor the Programme or any communications; however, the Company may choose to do so and block any chat messages, remove any such User Generated Content, or prohibit any use of the Programme. Referrers who do not comply with the law, including anti-spam laws, are obligated to indemnify the Company against any liabilities, costs and expenses it incurs as a results of such spam.
  • Right to Cancel, Modify or Terminate: We reserve the right to cancel, modify or terminate the Programme at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to disqualify any User at any time from participation in the Programme if we have a good faith belief that he/she has violated any of these. We also reserve the right to make any changes during the membership programme without any notice. Unicaf Limited continually monitor the Unicaf Referral programme to ensure the integrity of this programme. Unicaf Ltd also reserves the right to terminate any Membership account at any time.
  • For any queries or clarifications regarding the referral membership programme please feel free to contact us at
  • User's Cancelation Right: A User may cancel his or her membership in the referral programme by advising the Unicaf Help Centre.
  • By applying for the referral membership, you agree and consent to the Terms and Conditions

Referred Applicants/Students:

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree that if your application is a product of the Referrals Programme, your Referrer shall be notified from time to time for the progress of your application. You agree and consent that your referrer shall receive from Unicaf specific data of yours (i.e. your name and email account) for the purposes of the Referral Programme.

Cancellation and refund policy

The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on when refunds of tuition fees will be made by the Company and how they will be calculated. This policy relates to the portion of the tuition fee that is paid directly by the student or by a private sponsor for studies relating to our online or blended learning programmes or short courses or other related Services.

As a general rule there are no refunds for any fees paid. Any refund of tuition fees and or reduction in tuition fees is at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company's Finance Office. In all cases, any other debt owing to the Company will be subtracted from any refund of fees if applicable.

Termination of Agreement

Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automatically, subject to your rights of internal appeal and your obligation to pay Fees, if your studies with the Company are terminated as a result of:

  • action taken against you in accordance with the Company's disciplinary or fitness to practice procedures;
  • a decision of an assessment board, based on your academic performance; and
  • you may cease use of our Services at any time.
  • If, during a period of eighteen (18) months you have failed to register for a module

Non-payment of fees, in accordance with the Company's regulations on the payment of fees:

  • you are still required to pay the agreed fees even if you failed to participate in your programme of study, as defined in the participation agreement; and
  • if you are expelled or dismissed from the Company or other organisation which you are required to attend or be a member of as part of your programme, the Company may terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to you.

In addition, the Company may terminate this Agreement by written notice to you in the following circumstances:

  • if, between accepting an offer and starting your programme, there is a change in your circumstances which, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, makes it inappropriate for you to study on your programme;
  • if the Company becomes aware of information about you which it did not know before (for example, unspent criminal convictions) which, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, makes it inappropriate for you to study on your programme; or
  • if, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, you have failed to provide the Company with all relevant information, or have supplied false or misleading information, relating to your application for your programme.

Requirements on termination of this Agreement

If at any time this Agreement terminates:

  • the Company shall be entitled to refuse to enrol you in the relevant Services (if, at the date of termination, you have not already enrolled);
  • the Company shall be entitled to require you to stop studying on your programme and to leave the Company immediately (if, at the date of termination, you have enrolled); and
  • the Company may hold your data following local regulations, laws or legislation.
  • The company shall be entitled to withhold any balance in your account

If at any time this Agreement terminates, your obligations are:

  • to promptly pay any outstanding fees and other sums owed to the Company;
  • to return to Academic Affairs all property owned by the Company; and
  • to pay all outstanding fees immediately.

Any action taken by the Company under the above provisions will not restrict its ability to take any other action against you which it may be entitled to take. The Company will not be liable for any loss or damage which you may suffer as a result.


Any notice given under this Agreement shall be in writing. Letters will be addressed to you by email or other electronic means or by post or courier to your home address as appropriate, at the last address you gave to Academic Affairs. Student Support must be kept updated by you at all times. Letters shall be deemed to have been properly served when delivered by hand to that address, or 48 hours after being posted to that address if sent by pre-paid first class post or if sent by email or other electronic means. Good service may also be given by email to the last email address you gave to Academic Affairs in which case service shall be deemed effective 48 hours after sending. It is your responsibility to ensure that you inform Academic Affairs of any change in address, telephone and email details.

Student declaration

I declare that the information given by me is correct and that I have no unspent criminal convictions (excluding motoring offences). I undertake to pay all fees and miscellaneous expenses relating to my programme/short course/ module of study and promise to pay in accordance with the terms and conditions of payment. I understand that amounts paid and/or payable by me will be checked by the Company and I undertake to pay any shortfall within fourteen (14) days of demand by the Company. I understand that all amounts paid are not refundable.

I acknowledge that the Company is entitled to refuse to enrol me if I am indebted to it. I agree to be bound by the Conditions of Entry and Company Regulations for Students and programme/module regulations. I agree that it is my responsibility to ensure that I am familiar with conditions of entry, the handbooks and all applicable regulations and to become acquainted with them. I shall be bound by the Participation Agreement and the other notices.

Index of Changes

Version Date Amended Section Amendment summary Amended History
V 1.0 October 2012 N/A Original Document
V 2.0 November 2020 Referrals Changes on rewarding scheme Updated Version
V 3.0 December 2021 E-Submission Link removal Updated Version
V 4.0 May 2022 Referrals Changes on Financial Rewards for students at UK Partner Universities Updated Version
V 5.0 February 2023 Interest on Late Payment Clause regulating the interest on late payment Updated Version
V 6.0 March 2024 Referrals Restrictions on Referral Programme updated Updated Version
V 7.0 March 2024 Late Payment Charge LPC Interest on Late Payment replaced with Late Payment Charge LPC Updated Version
V 8.0 July 2024 Late Payment Charge Sentence removed "The LPC will be charged to your account at the end of every month" Updated Version
V 9.0 October 2024 Fees and Payment Update in order to clarify the scholarship covering Updated Version

Cookie Notice
Privacy Policy
Recording Policy